Home Page slider:
"Salve Regina!"
Alleluia, He is Risen!
Inspirational Prayer Garden
Picture Perfect Fall
Home Page Slider:
A Lifelike Nativity Set Epitomizes Family
Home Page Slider:
First Image of Main Church
About Us Page:
Main image of church back
Picture of St. John in stained glass
Faith Resources Page:
Picture of St. John in stained glass
Our Rich History: From 1878 to the Present Slider
Various as annotated
WWP images on their ministry page are used with permission from walkingwithpurpose.com.
KofC logo on their ministry page is Usage rights is labeled: "free to use, share or modify, even commercially" through Google Advanced Image Search.
Copyrighted materials reprinted with permission under OneLicense.net #A-729985.
Copyrighted materials streamed with permission under OneLicense.net #A-729985.
Permission to use from Jackie Regan at Our Lady of Hope per E. Spinelli (email of 5/5/2020)